If you want to take positive action against ExxonMobil go to this link: http://ucsaction.org/campaign/exxonnextstep?rk=y7e74rK1DFfXW
A new documentary film looks at the most profitable company in history and what they are doing to keep on making record profits. “Out of Balance: ExxonMobil’s Impact on Climate Change” is an expose´ of the oil giant, with a particular focus on ExxonMobil’s influence on the US government and the public, delaying action against climate change.
“In Spring 2006, mainstream media announced that the debate about the human impact on climate was over. But the debate among most climate scientists had ended long ago, unbeknownst to most Americans. Out of Balance looks at how ExxonMobil spearheaded the misinformation campaign while making record profits,” says Tom Jackson, the film’s director and writer.
Out of Balance also looks at the history of the company, showing a pattern of behavior that goes all the way back to Standard Oil days, through the response to the Exxon Valdez oil spill, to their current refusal to take action against climate change.
Leading climate scientists such as Michael Oppenheimer and Robert Watson, environmentalists from Exxpose Exxon, Greenpeace and other organizations join with a former Exxon executive, US government whistle-blower Rick Piltz, and leading authors such as Bill McKibben, Elizabeth Kolbert, and Ross Gelbspan to explain how we have gotten to this challenging place, with the climate, and the influence of the world's largest company out of balance. They conclude with hope, and ideas for immediate action.
Jackson is taking the film on the road, traveling in an alternative fuel vehicle. He will show Out of Balance at various venues around the country and facilitate discussion with the audience afterward, to share ideas for what we can all do in response to climate change.
Out of Balance will screen at the 17th annual Cinequest Film Festival in San Jose´, CA and the One World International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival in Prague, Czech Republic. Both festivals were screened in March 2007.
For more information, visit the film’s website at www.worldoutofbalance.org, or the Joe Public Films site at www.joepublicfilms.com.