April Rally

Wind, Water, Solar, Hydo...Future is ecat


Your voice was heard!

Citizens for Clean Energy, Inc. sponsored a "Pre-Earth Day Demonstration against the proposed Highwood Coal-Burning Pollution Plant". This peaceful but lively public demonstration was on the front steps of the Civic Center on Tuesday April 17. 

The public rally was to protest additional funding being proposed (for the polluting coal plant) by the City of Great Falls.

During the rally we began a petition drive requesting that our Mayor sign on to the Kyoto Protocol, joining with 442 other mayors across the US in taking this important step. We collected many signatures and added many new folks to our cause. 

A copy of our petition appears on our website under the "
Mayor's Challenge" menu item. Please download, circulate, sign and return the petition to the address noted as soon as possible.

Call 455-6412 for more information on how you can help and be involved..

Act Now!

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